Monday, November 24, 2008

Oh, How I've Missed You

It has been way too long since I've had time, topics, inspiration, or news to post about! I have been so busy and its nice to finally get back to blogging. I have been unbelievable busy, my drama department just finished our productions of "Black Comedy" and "For Whom the Southern Belle Tolls" and I head up the design committee. We're in charge of costumes and set design, and my other co-head ended up taking charge of the set and I ended up overworking myself with the costumes. Its a really great responsibility and it was great to have all that creative freedom (especially since I didn't make it in the shows :/) but the two weeks leading up to the shows were two of the most stressful weeks of my life! All my free time was devoted to either shopping for costumes, making costume check lists, tracking down the cast to see if they had gotten certain items, or making things to make the dressing rooms organized. The costumes ended up turning out great and I worked back stage while the show went fantastically.

Now I am looking forward to Thanksgiving, cupcake Wednesday, and working on my one-acts for Drama....and then getting to work on costumes for our winter show, "The Curious Savage."

...and somehow keeping up on schoolwork, friends, and fashion...

p.s. I finally got my license a few weeks ago! life has been so much more convenient!

p.p.s. its finally started to get cold in SoCal! only took until the end of november!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Keeping Things Light and Fluffy

Today I am taking a little break from all of the innovative, respected, risk-taking designers, and spending my day with something lighter and fluffier. After browsing a little online I found three designers that caught my eye. As you or may not know I am a lover of all things girly, lacey, feminine, pretty, etc.- even after growing up with 4 brothers. The first of the three is Sretsis, who I have written about before. I last showcased their spring collection, but I want to share the fall/winter one, which is even as delicious as the last. Personally, I don't think the runway show does the clothes justice, and I highly suggest looking at the photographs on the website. (personally, I thought the best looks were toward the end.)

Heidi Merrick:

I am really in love with this collection. It's all things flirty and girly and the pictures are just as great. The only downside to this LA based designer? Don't the clothes look like they wouldn't be out of place in a J. Crew catalog?

Fleur Wood:

Like Merrick, Fleur Wood has caught my eye with sweet silhouettes and feminine quality. Again, its nothing TOO special, but still sweet.